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How You Can Make a Difference



Sponsor a Child

Transform the life of a child through sponsorship. Children at NPH, known as pequeños (Spanish for “little ones”), call their sponsors padrino or madrina Spanish for “Godfather” and “Godmother”). As a godparent, you are essential to the life of your godchild. Ongoing financial support provides food, clothing, healthcare, education, and a home. You will become a part of your godchild’s life and offer critical emotional support. Learn more by clicking here, or become a godparent today by emailing [email protected]



Sponsor a Family

Help break the cycle of poverty by supporting families in the surrounding community.  In accordance with the United Nations Guidelines for children living in alternative care released in 2010, NPH developed the OneFamily program to provide a continuum of care to children who reintegrate with their family. Providing families with assistance that they need to care for their children, we can empower their children to reach their goals, while also helping to strengthen families and communities. Learn more by clicking here, or sponsor a family right away by emailing [email protected]


Adopt a Nurse

These professionals work with the added stress of gunfire, kidnappings and failed government and infrastructure. The wild valuation of the local currency means they cannot rely on the purchasing power of their wages. Diesel fuel is required to be trucked through gang-controlled road checks to feed the electrical generators of the hospital. Water purification is required to avoid the spread of diseases. Some nights the staff will choose to sleep in the hospital rather than risk being kidnapped on the way home or on their return to work. Learn more about the program here.


Adopt a nurse now




Adopt a Classroom

Please consider supporting FOTOCAN’s Special Project for Education by adopting  a classroom with a $35, $50, $100 or other monthly donation. Your donations will directly impact the quality of education being provided to students living at NPH- Dominican Republic, as well as students living with their biological families in the surrounding bateys. Your classroom full of eager learners will receive gifts of school supplies, educational programs, multilingual books, and field trips, directly from you! Learn more about the program here.


Adopt a classroom now








“You may only be one person in the world, but you may be all the world to one child”

-Fr. William B. Wasson, founder of NPH


Need to brush up on your Spanish?


If you're going on a trip to a spanish speaking country, planning to join one of our abroad projects, curious, or simply want to improve,  Ruth Blass would be happy to instruct you! Take a look at the information below if you're interested.







Catch up with the latest FOTOCAN Updates




We support disadvantaged children and families with food, shelter, education, health care, and love. 



Update on Projects March 2023
March 01, 2023 | by: Joy King


Hola from Dominican Republic, where we are currently  conducting the second of our in-country projects. You will be able to see exactly what we have accomplished in Peru, where we wrapped up a project at the beginning of February, in Dominican Republic ,where we are currently working, and in Guatemala, where our electric project begins April 25. 


Spring 2022 - Emerging from a Pandemic
May 10, 2022 | by: Joy King

Well, it's been over two years now since we had to shut down our projects here. Now we see the light. Here's what's been happening!

* sponsorship has been steady and we are SO fortunate to have our donors continue their support

* Zoom board meetings are "a thing" with our people

* our homes faired well with getting through the pandemic but as you can appreciate, no...





Changing the world one life at a time.